

Ensure your marathon training goes smoothly by getting that niggle seen to by one of our expert physiotherapists now!

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Training for a marathon, whether it’s your first or your 100th, should be one of the best experiences of your running career, but make sure you have any worrying niggles seen to by a physiotherapist before you embark on the big miles to ensure you can enjoy every second and get to the start line in peak fitness and injury free!

Marathon training is often the highlight of many runners’ schedules, providing a perfect excuse to get outside into the fresh air during the dreary winter months, making lifelong friends as you grind out the weekly long Sunday miles together, getting you fitter than you’ve ever been before, and, most importantly, giving you a big fat target to stay focussed on and lending meaning to every single session.

So don’t let that niggle stop you taking this exciting running journey, as our physiotherapists are here to keep you in tip top shape while you train, treating your issue alongside your increasing mileage to help you get to London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Brighton or any marathon in the form of your life, and often stronger too as a result of the regular ‘body shop maintenance’ at Blizard Physiotherapy!

Here we highlight the five areas where we can help you train for your marathon with confidence.

1. Marathon training is a balancing act, as building up the miles while nursing a niggle means your body’s muscles and bones are under an increasing level of stress.

What can we do to help you?

** Injuries are easy to treat alongside training if the load is reduced or stabilised **

2. Increased mileage can mean increased physical stress as you fit training in around your busy lives - the higher mileage can reduce the body’s ability to recover from an injury.

What can we do to help you?

** Our physiotherapist take a holistic approach to your treatment, and can help you plan your training better to fit in with your rehabilitation and stretching routine, as well as your work and family **

3. The extra miles and consequent tiredness can put a strain on your health, sometimes leading to ‘unwise’ fuelling decisions, such as choosing fast food over healthier options to refuel!

What can we do to help you?

** Nutrition and hydration is key to preventing and improving an injury - we can help advise you which foods provide the optimum nutrients to ensure you are fuelled properly for the higher mileage **

4. Nerves can affect your nervous system! Not just nerves about the marathon itself, but also day to day stresses can irritate your nervous system. Nearly all the runners we see have some dysfunction of the nervous system that needs treating.

What can we do to help you?

** Our holistic approach to physiotherapy also encapsulates mental stress, and treatment time can include chatting about your lifestyle alongside the hands on manipulation, highlighting how entwined stress, the nervous system, and physical niggles are - let us help relieve that! **

5. It is easy to try and ignore a niggle or a full blown injury, hoping it will simply ‘disappear’ of its own accord. In our experience, the injury does not disappear, and can even get worse, due to the increased cortisol and adrenalin being produced as race day approaches. These substances increase anxiety and muscle tension, and also play havoc with your nervous system and mental state, which is why injuries generally don't get better during the taper.

What can we do to help you? 

** Don’t fret! We strongly advise you get the niggle treated in the earlier weeks, meaning we should we be able to treat it alongside your training programme, as well as providing you with tips and exercises which will make the remainder of your training and race day preparation run much smoother! **

Book yourself in today for a physiotherapy treatment session with one of our five experts to ensure you can continue with your marathon with confidence, or if you are unsure whether you have a niggle or not, come along to tomorrow’s FREE physiotherapy advice morning, here at the clinic between 10am and 12 noon. Booking is advisable as there are a limited number of 15 minute slots available.