

These feet are made for walking..

Foot and ankle problems are highly prevalent with the sporting population perhaps being more vulnerable to such problems.

In our clinic, foot problems are a factor in a great many of our runners but also in people who participate in any weight-bearing exercise (including walking) and indeed those for whom standing is a large part of their occupation.

The foundation for achieving good balance, stability and posture lies with the foot. Without these, we may be troubled by injuries such as low back pain, groin problems, knee pain or Achilles trouble, or may experience poor performance.

Many people spend a considerable amount of time choosing the ‘perfect’ pair of trainers, and yet perhaps firstly need to consider the foot itself.

The sole of the foot is extremely sensitive to allow a constant stream of information to be relayed back to the nervous system so your body can make automatic adjustments necessary to maintain your body’s alignment. A common problem is where the foot is held in a rigid position during activity, which impairs the feedback through the sole of the foot, and balance and stability are diminished.

Testing your feet

Firstly, remove your shoes and socks and stand on one leg.
  • Is your whole foot rocking from side to side?
  • Are your toes scrunched up?
  • Are the tendons on the top of your foot noticeably raised?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you would likely benefit from addressing the function of the foot.

Physiotherapy can assess this more closely and work towards restoring a flexible and effective foot.