

What's the difference between physiotherapists, chiropractors and osteopaths?

Probably the most common misconception here is that chiropractors and osteopaths are the ones to see with a spinal problem with physiotherapy being more appropriate for sports injuries.
This is not the case and in fact, all three sorts of therapists see and treat the same sort of problems - any area of the body that isn't functioning properly because of pain, stiffness or weakness. 
Although the thinking and the philosophies behind each of the therapies is different, treatments tend to be similar in that it involves hands on mobilisation/manipulation to restore movement and function. 

Chiropractors seem to have the reputation for vigorous treatment with physiotherapists being more gentle but again, this is not the case. 

Physiotherapists have the analytical and handling skills to finely tune treatments to the specific problem each patient is experiencing and will perform graded techniques as gently or as vigorously as is required to gain the improvement necessary.