

Switching to a low carbohydrate, high fat diet has helped Michael Barnett lose a stone and knock chunks off his race times

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Doncaster’s Michael Barnett has dropped weight and race times since changing to a low carbohydrate nutrition life style, and has found Blizard’s physiotherapy and lactate testing services invaluable in helping him to make remarkable progress!

Nutrition is key to fulfilling your competitive performance levels, and we take it very seriously here at Blizard Towers, ensuring that everything we eat is as natural and unprocessed as possible, and will fuel our bodies to optimum levels.

Having said that, we’d be lying if we said we never enjoy a piece of cake, or a glass of PB wine, but the majority of our diets contain fresh, home prepared ingredients packed with flavour - but low in carbohydrates.

As we always remind our followers, this is our lifestyle choice and not one we are suggesting you try yourselves, but the methods and recipes we have embraced from the low carbohydrate, high fat nutrition gurus at the Real Meal Revolution, beginning with the ‘Banting’ diet, have certainly helped us to reach our race weights, enjoy much improved and sustained energy levels, and perform at a higher level while our bodies have learnt to burn fat stores for energy, instead of the ‘traditional’ methods of highly processed, sugary drinks and gels.

One of our most high profile clients, friends and fast improving athletes who has also embraced this lifestyle is Doncaster’s Michael Barnett, who has dropped from a pre-Banting weight of over 15 stone to well under 14 stone, and picked up an array of PBs as a result of his new streamline physique and more efficient fuelling system.

So we thought we’d interview Michael about how he is achieved so much in such a short space of time, and whether he thought the low carb, high fat lifestyle was sustainable for an endurance athlete keen to progress in competitions.

Blizard Physio: “How did you prepare yourself for the Banting course (which is a 5 week online programme aimed at kickstarting the body’s fat burning system while sustaining a high fat intake, before progressing to a slightly higher carbohydrate diet but avoiding processed foods entirely) and how long did you take to adapt?”

Michael: “I switched to a lower carbohydrate diet initially by swapping sugar for stevia and cutting out fruit for two weeks, before starting to ‘Bant' properly. I starting cooking dishes like cauliflower wraps and ‘courgetti' spaghetti, I didn’t feel deprived from my lack of carbs, and was encouraged by an immediate weight loss of 3.2lb in the first week!”

The Real Meal’s Banting diet is very easy to follow, with colour coded lists informing Banters which foods are ok (green is always a good option, orange in moderation), and which are to be avoided (those on the red list).

Michael continued: “Apart from bad headaches in the first few days, I’ve had no other side effects, and certainly no energy crashes when training.”

Blizard Physio: “What have you learnt from the course that you can continue to apply to your lifestyle going forwards?

Michael: “I’m learning every day, but I am annoyed how my generation has been conditioned to believe that fat was bad. As a result of this, I was really apprehensive of the high fat content in the diet when I began the course, but a stone lost in seven weeks speaks for itself!”

“I see no reason why I can’t continue to use Banting from now on - my energy levels are more consistent and I feel healthier.  I am sure that when I go longer again in competitions, I will be more conditioned and fat adapted, and, in theory, should be able to use this to my advantage. Even the leanest athletes could complete an ironman using fat for fuel.”

Blizard Physio: “Do you feel your lactate tests and coaching from the team at the clinic have further helped you to progress?”

Michael: “Using Dave Tune and Kev’s (Kevin Dawson, ex-elite cyclist and current top triathlete and Blizard cycling coach) lactate threshold testing has helped me no end, and the magician that is Jenny keeps me injury free!

“I used to average 11 minute miles on long runs, whereas now I am running at my threshold heart rate at close to 8 minute pace. Every one of the services I have used at the clinic has benefitted my athletic performance.

“Being personally coached by Jono has also massively helped me this year - the improvements have been incredible. Seven months after setting my goal of earning a GB vest I achieved it, with my performance at Stockport in June.”

Michael is a loyal client and friend of the clinic, and to date has had three running lactate tests, one cycling test and one breathing assessment, and also attend our regular functional movement classes. 

We’ll leave the final words to ‘Blogger’ Barnett, though, as he is clear in his mind about how important his new and improved nutrition lifestyle has been in his astounding progress as a triathlete.

He said: “I have been shocked with how much my performances have improved since switching to a low carb, high fat diet. Even though work has curtailed my training recently, I am still able to swim, bike and run at speeds quicker than I managed before Banting, and my performance at Hatfield where I placed 6th was a great surprise.

“I have also recently returned from a holiday where my weight increased slightly, but a few days back on the Banting wagon and it has returned to my pre-vacation reading!”

If you would like to learn more about the Real Meal Revolution and the online Banting course, or would like to read about it offline, here are links to the RMR’s website, which includes all the Banting FAQs, to the new RMR book of the same name, and to Michael’s blog site, where you can keep up to date with his progress.